The following units have been installed on our existing Bruckner stenter range for knitted goods:

  1. Tandematic Cutting Unit at machine exit.
  2. Tandematic Rail Guiding System at machine entrance.
  3. Tandematic Gumming Unit at dryer entrance.

All of these units have greatly improved production levels and have also resulted in a higher quality fabric, which has lead to increased confidence by our customers, which in turn has resulted in better order intakes.
These units have also greatly reduced the amount of waste and chemicals used during the stentering operation.
Furthermore, the whole programming from initial enquiry to the commissioning of the units was handled very professionally and with no problems.  The technical backup, as well as installation has also been of a very high standard.
I would not hesitate to recommend these products to any other textile mills that are considering adding value to an older stenter range.


G. Ginsberg, Director – Mediterranean Textile Mills (PTY) LTD.