Chief Editor: Chris Brogan

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Displaying the Innovative C2500 Compactor at ITMA 2023

Navis is featuring its C2500 MC+, the latest in the C2500 Series of open width compactors.  Also on site at ITMA is the Tandematic RGS GEN II edge guiding system. View more here! Also on display is stage 2 of Tandematic’s 4 step process for minimizing trim waste. Visit us to see these machine and other…

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2022 International Textile Machinery (ITM) Exhibition

Global was pleased to be in attendance at the 2022 International Textile Machinery (ITM) Exhibition.  Chris Aurich of Gaston Systems was on hand to discuss the latest technologies engineered and manufactured by Navis TubeTex.  With great attendance this year, we were glad to see so many associates on the show floor!

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Kicking off the week at Techtextil North America – Booth 2203

The team from Navis has kicked off the week at the 2022 Techtextil North America show, following months of virtual business dealings due to Covid.  This year, attendance was significantly up with representation from many companies and a full list of symposium topics. Techtextil opens opportunities for companies like the Navis family of Brands to…

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Join Tandematic at Techtextil 2020

Join Navis TubeTex | M&W | Consultex | Tandematic at Techtextil North America, booth #3047 from May 12 to May 14, 2020 where we will feature our latest innovations serving the technical textiles marketplace. We invite you to register now!

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Tandematic Releases Next Generation Rail Mounted Trimmers

Tandematic, world leader in stenter accessories, announces the release of the next generation Rail Mounted Trimmer and Rail Guidance System during ITMA 2019. Tandematic, has continuously innovated machinery to minimize wasted fabric on stenters. Effective decurling, precision pinning, efficient glue application and finally, minimizing edge trim to less than 4 mm means more salable cloth…

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Tandematic Releases Next Generation Trimmer and Rail Guider

USA based Tandematic, world leader in stenter accessories, announces the release of the next generation Rail Mounted Trimmer and Rail Guidance System. These two products will be showcased at ITMA 2019 in Barcelona Spain. Tandematic, for over 40 years, has continuously innovated products whose ultimate goal is to minimize wasted fabric on stenters. Effective decurling,…

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Navis TubeTex Buys Consultex and Tandematic

Navis TubeTex, a leading provider of high technology finishing machinery to the global textile industry, announced their purchase of Consultex Spray Systems and Tandematic. Consultex produces a proprietary, patented spray system used in the textile, film, non- woven, paper, and battery industries. Their roto-sprayers accurately apply chemicals to a multitude of products with unequaled precision. Consultex President, Arne Niemann, will remain…

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